Monday, 13 May 2013

I heart Northern Ireland (sometimes)

halli hallo

And that time has come, it is now officially my last week in Northern Ireland. Whilst I cannot wait to get outta here there are things I will miss. I will miss great tea and the scrumptious ulster fry (how could you not). I had a fantastic time growing up here (to an extent) but the time has come to move on. 

I am anxious about leaving it all behind though, this is everything I've known, it feels strange knowing that I'll have to learn how to be an adult all over again in a different country.

A summer that can only be experienced here
(not forgetting about the tractors or the rain

Even sunny days at the beach aren't a guarantee here
It even snows every like two maybe three times per winter

Ok sothis is creepily starting to look like an advert so I'll go ahead and stop.

Kerstiin x

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